Countdown to the Eclipse, Stations 80% Ready
I love it when a plan comes together, but I had no idea how much work it would be!
I nerded out back in July making an eclipse day plan for what I anticipated would be my son and maybe a handful of other Cubs. I had these great ideas and activities thanks to scouring pinterest and reading the NASA website. Then school started, and on the second day, the district announced there would be no school on the 21st, instead calling it an “inclement weather” day. I was excited, maybe a few more kids would join us at our Cub camp for the STEM day. I had no idea the number that would RSVP would be 32, a mix of Cubs, Boy Scouts, and siblings.
Over the last week, I’ve pulled several allnighters, staying up till 2 am, one night even 4 am, to get these stations done. I had to rework a few things, add items that would be deemed age appropriate enough for Boy Scouts. I’m happy to say that at 3:30 am the Friday before, I’m about 80% done.
Below are snapshots of my stations in their prep phase. Feel free to borrow the ideas, most of which are laid out in my full documents under “activities” in this blog.
I hope you all have a great eclipse, I know I’m looking forward to getting my office space back!