Belt Loops on Belt Hack
My son is so proud of all his belt loops. He earned 17 as a Tiger, which is awesome, except when I hear them come crashing to the floor when he is attempting to use the bathroom. Thanks again to a tip on the Cub Scout Volunteers facebook page, I learned a simple hack to stop the madness: sew a button on the inside of the belt.
It’s a genius idea. I’m told from other parents you should put the button at the very end of the belt, down where you normally put the loops on. Then, when it is time to add a loop, you take off the belt buckle and put it on that end, then reattach the belt buckle and you’re good to go. However, our belt buckle that I bought second hand is a little special, so that isn’t going to work for us.
Instead, I’m working on a temporary hack for the new loops, but won’t know if it works until he gets his next set at the end of the month. Be sure to check back for the results!